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- Max Payne 2 Highly Compressed only 1 MB download
Posted by : Unknown
Monday, 5 May 2014
Amazingly Compressed to just 1.04MB!
In mid 2001, Max Payne emerged to set the benchmark for the action and adventure video gaming, making countless awards and reinventing the genre along with cinematic fight sequences fuelled by the innovative use of slow motion and addictive game play. Nowadays, working together with Rockstar Games' New York-based production team, Remedy has mixed Max Payne's characteristic gameplay with all brand new enhancements and unmatched generation values. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne has elevated the bar for action games completely over again.
Athlon or 1.2GHz Celeron or Duron processor/1 GHz Pentium III
VGA: 32 MB DirectX 9 Compatible AGP Graphics Card with T and L and HW support
DirectX 9.0
256 MB RAMHDD: 1.7 GB hard drive space
OS: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 or Windows XPRecommended System Requirements:
1.7 GHz Pentium 4, Duron or Celeron processor or 1.4 GHz Athlon
VGA:64 MB DirectX 9 Compatible Graphics AGP graphics card with HW T&L support
OS: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 or Windows XP1.7 GB hard disk space
512 MB RAM
MaxPayne 2 : Fall of Maxpayne free download highly compressed to just 1.04mb, 100% working no extra tools needed. Just unzip and play! Enjoy!!
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